
Connecting your business

0844 Business Numbers

Variable rate business numbers with revenue share

An 0844 number charges between 1p per minute and 5p per minute, and we pay you for every call you receive!
(minimum revenue of £ 20 per month required for pay-out)

Call us for instant service!

Call our friendly, expert team on
0845 652 2222
and we'll take you through choosing a number
and get you set up straight away!

Do it yourself!

You can browse our huge range of available numbers, and
purchase directly on-line, via our sister site Switchnumbers.

Click for a number:

0800 Freephone

0845 Business

01 Local

02 London

03 UK Wide

087 National

0844 revenue sharing numbers for business contact

Like the more widely known 0845 range, 0844 numbers are non-geographic and charge callers the same fixed rate regardless of where in the country the caller happens to be.

You have a choice of 0844 ranges, each charging callers a different rate of between 1 pence per minute and 5 pence per minute. The rate is fixed and remains the same at all times of day.

Revenue Share Available!

Subject to a minimum revenue figure of £20 per month, we will pay you a revenue share for each call you receive on your 0844 number.

With Switchconnect 0844 numbers your incoming calls are completely FREE

Some telephone companies will charge you up to 3p per minute to route your 0844 calls to you. With Switchconnect, you get your incoming calls completely free of charge as long as you're routing them to a landline.

0844 Numbers: How they work

When you buy a Switchconnect 0844 number, you get access to our "SwitchINS" control portal, where you can specify one or more "destination numbers" for your calls. When someone dials your 0844 number, we instantly redirect the call to the appropriate destination. You have unrestricted access to SwitchINS 24 hours a day, so you can easily and instantly update where your 0844 number is pointing, route it to your office landline, your mobile, a colleagues phone, your home phone, or indeed absolutely any phone number anywhere. Incoming calls routed to landlines are completely free of charge to you, mobile and international routing is also available, though these do have per minute costs.

Because you can change your phone routing instantly and at any time, you can easily ensure that calls are handled correctly regardless of where you are, for instance if you're traveling on business, you can route the calls to your mobile, and then route them back to your office phone as soon as you get back. If you need to make a routing change in a hurry and don't have access to the Internet, you can call us directly and we'll make the change for you, swiftly and with no fuss.

You don't need to buy additional equipment, or rent additional phone lines.

Your Switchconnect 0844 number simply sits "on top" of your existing telephone services, and you can go on using your existing phones for both incoming and outgoing calls, there is no interruption of your existing services, no need for engineer visits or additional telephones. Though should your 0844 number boost your sales to the point where you need additional phone lines, we can supply those too!

 Secure payments via SagePay  All major credit cards accepted  Member of the Federation of Communication Services  Premium rate services regulated by PhonePayPlus

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